The Crafoord Days 2012 were celebrated in Lund from 14 to 15 May. They opened on Monday with two prize symposia, the Prize Symposium in Mathematics and the Prize Symposium in Astronomy. Tuesday was celebrated with the Prize Lectures followed by the Prize Award Ceremony.
Press photos
Jean Bourgain and Terence Tao receives the Crafoord Prize from the hands of Margareta Nilsson, daughter of the Crafoord donors. Photo: Apelöga/Christian Andersson.

Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez receives the Crafoord Prize from the hands of Margareta Nilsson, daughter of the Crafoord donors.. Photo: Apelöga/Christian Andersson.

Terence Tao at the Prize Symposium in Mathematics, 14 May. Photo: Erik Huss, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Jean Bourgain at the Prize Symposium in Mathematics, 14 May. Photo: Erik Huss, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Back row from the left: Britt-Marie Sjöberg, Arne Ardeberg, Lennart Nilsson, Margareta Nilsson, Staffan Normark, Bo Berndtsson, Ebba Fischer. Front row from the left: Terence Tao, Jean Bourgain, Andrea Ghez, Reinhard Genzel. Photo: Jan Nordén.