The Crafoord Days 2024 were celebrated in Lund and Stockholm from 13 to 16 May with Prize Lectures, Prize Symposia and the Prize Award Ceremony in the presence of HRH The Crown Princess of Sweden.
Prize Lecture
From complex numbers to hyper-Kähler geometry
Crafoord Prize Lecture in Mathematics 2024 with Claire Voisin, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, France.
Prize Lecture
Probing inside the Sun
Crafoord Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2024 with Douglas Gough, University of Cambridge, UK.
Prize Lecture
From the Sun to solar-like stars
Crafoord Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2024 with Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Prize Lecture
Beyond sun-like stars
Crafoord Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2024 with Conny Aerts, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Prize Symposia
Press photos
Claire Voisin receives the Crafoord Prize from the hands of HRH The Crown Princess of Sweden. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Douglas Gough receives the Crafoord Prize from the hands of HRH The Crown Princess of Sweden. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard receives the Crafoord Prize from the hands of HRH The Crown Princess of Sweden. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Conny Aerts receives the Crafoord Prize from the hands of HRH The Crown Princess of Sweden. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Back row from the left: Hans Ellegren, Ebba Fischer, Birgitta Henriques Normark, Sofia Feltzing, Leif Andersson and Michael Benedicks. Front row from the left: Conny Aerts, Douglas Gough, HRH The Crown Princess of Sweden, Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard and Claire Voisin. Photo: Patrik Lundin.